July 17th, 2004

A good first night passed at "Camping Imperial" in Quebec just outside the old city. It's Saturday and already, so far from home. Charlie is writing in his own little journal now. His writing is atrocious. I think it's kind of cute that he's been inspired to "journal" (think it's a verb). I keep waiting for the other RV'ers to emerge from their air-conditioned, satellite TV monster homes.

Oh man! The guy from the trailer-park register office just came over to talk to Charlie (perhaps a writing infraction? it wasn't in French) - and he says "Good Morning" and a few other things - all in English. But Charlie kept responding in French. What the hell? The man asks "did you register yet" and Charlie again answers in French. I see it as a little pretentious, and show-offy - he obviously spoke decent English, why respond in French???

I dare not mention it - it could only make him feel like I was putting him down. Now that Charlie has left with the park office guy I am greatly tempted to open up his journal and start reading it and other entries, "pre-Shirley". Don't even think about it Shirley.

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