We woke up to fog all around us. At midnight the water was very close because the tide was in and in the morning it had disappeared. Charlie and I took a drive up to Chignecto Bay to see the "3 Sisters" and it was very off-road. I never knew I was such a scaredy cat.
We parked the van as far as we could take it and then biked to the trail - parked the bikes as far as we could take them (hid them in the bush) and hiked the rest of the way - Charlie was a great hiking guide. The scenery was majestic.
The sisters looked lik
The Bay of Fundy was magical. I felt like I belonged there.
We passed a store with the name McCallister on it (like Craig!).
I angered Charlie only once or twice today. I've been nagging about him driving too fast and he said "well then why don't you f**king drive??!!" and I shut up.
I drove the VW for the first time today on the way back from Chignecto to the TransCanada Hwy. I also ate a McLobster for the first time. As I had feared, the experience was very anti-climactic (the McLobster).
We are now on our way to Cape Breton island - the very top (tip?) of it to camp there tonite.
Last night, as we rolled into our campsite at around 12:00am - in preparing for bed, etc., we heard a voice in the dark from the next campsite over - "ENOUGH with the doors!!", and even though irked, I admired the directness of the command.
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